Strategic Partners
Ice Sports Australia has developed strong relationships with a wide range of bodies necessary to deliver a world-class ice-sports facility in Melbourne.
The key participants in the project and stakeholders with ISA are:

ING Real Estate
ING Real Estate Development Australia developed the Icehouse, at a cost of $58 million, as a component of the company's development of the Waterfront City precinct of Melbourne Docklands.
Olympic Winter Institute of Australia
ISA agreed terms with the OWI for the Icehouse to be the new home for its programs and administration, with offices, dry-land training facilities and a specialised winter sports medical program. These terms allowed for the OWI logo together with the Olympic Training Centre logo to be placed and used on the inside and outside of the Icehouse building.
The OWI is an initiative of the Australian Olympic Committee to develop and train elite athletes in winter sports for World Cup, World Championship and Olympic Games competition, through the provision of funding, world-class sports programming and technical coaching.
ISA, together with the assistance and support of Geoff Henke, Chairman of the OWI, obtained a financial contribution towards the project from the Victorian Government.
State Government of Victoria
The Victorian Government provided funding of $10 million for the development of the National Ice Sports Centre in support of the Victorian ice sports and to add to Victoria's premier sporting facilities.
Project Consultants
A number of dedicated consultants worked actively with ISA and supported the vision to deliver a world-class ice sports centre over 10 years.
Cox Architects and Planners
Project architects
Brisbin Brook Beynon
Canadian-based specialist ice sports architects
Rider Bucknall Levett
Property and construction consultants
SGL Group
A sports, recreation leisure and tourism consulting firm who assisted with market research and the preparation of a business plan for the Icehouse.
Stadium Consultants International
A Canadian firm associated with architects Brisbin Brook Beynon that specialise in the financial and physical planning of sports, recreation and entertainment facilities.
Norton Gledhill
In addition, specific technical advice was sought from international specialists:
National Hockey League
The premier ice hockey league in the world provided technical advice on the ice rinks and operations.